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Jack Rabbit Speaks
Volume 10, Issue 30
August 21, 2006

This one's quite possibly the most important JRS you'll read this year, 
and we hope you will read it carefully, and think about it as you're 
planning and packing this week. Veterans and new folks alike will 
benefit from this information.

This issue's dedicated to information about the environment at Burning 
Man. You're about to embark on a trip to one of the most beautiful and 
remote locations you'll ever visit, and as you prepare, these are 
important things to think about. The choices you make about how to live 
in Black Rock City for a week have a very big impact, in how we leave 
the desert, the future of Burning Man, how you deal with your trash on 
the way home...AND how we must live with the decisions we make regarding 
fuel, wood, recycling, and our portion of the global footprint after the 
event. This JRS brings you important reminders about those topics, just 
in time to pack the car. Regular issue up later this week...the event 
starts in less than seven days.



Once you've passed the Gate and the Greeters, you are already a 
participant and a contributor to a very large artwork: the wonderful 
disappearing city.  Leaving no trace of Black Rock City is enormously 
significant - that's what gets us the OK to return to the playa every 
year - and it's also a matter of simple details, one step at a time.  If 
you put some Leave No Trace planning into your camp, your week on the 
playa will likely be easier, cleaner, and healthier.

The Earth Guardians have been collecting and recording LNT tips for
playa living.  Visit their website at:

Here are our top ten LNT reminders


2) If it doesn't come out of your body it doesn't go into the Potty.




6) CONSIDER whether your gift is more likely to become MOOP than a 
keepsake. Give smart.



9) Prepare for the Hungry Wind - Secure your load, especially your trash




It takes thousands of people to create a disappearing city, and the 
how-to lore keeps growing. The Earth Guardians collect good ideas from 
camps and citizens, mix in Leave No Trace principles, and pass them 
along. Not only will you reduce the Matter Out Of Place ("MOOP"), you'll 
make your camp life easier and more pleasant.

Leave No Trace Principles - We have embraced these seven LNT principles 
as the largest LNT event in the world.  The Leave No Trace Organization 
has more information on their website: .

1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
3. Dispose of Waste Properly
4. Minimize Campfire Impacts
5. Be Considerate of Other Visitors
6. Leave What You Find
7. Respect Wildlife


LNT Principle 1 -Plan Ahead and Prepare

Plan Ahead with a LNT plan, like

Pick a Leave No Trace leader for your camp, a "MOOP czar". This person 
will work LNT into your planning and preparing, help set up the camp so 
that it doesn't blow away, help to plan your camp's cleanup and 
break-down ahead of time, handle the question of stinky trash, gray 
water disposal,  and what NOT to burn .

Plan to Reduce Kitchen Waste: Plan simple, easy-cooking, low-dishwashing 
meals. Bring two-thirds the food you think you'll need. Prepare and 
freeze meals in ziploc bags. Repackage and prepare food in advance. 
Bring water in big reusable plastic container and bring reusable cups, 
utensils, bowls or plates, not Styrofoam that will blow all over the 
playa. Ask visitors to your camp to BYOM (bring your own mug) and  take 
your own mug to the Center Camp Cafe. A carabiner or shower hook easily 
secures it for transport around the City. Many fashionable bars also 
appreciate BYOMers!

Here's food wisdom from a decade on the playa:

Plan to Recycle- Buy only aluminum cans and plan to take aluminum cans 
to Recycle Camp.  There are many good beers in cans! Check out  to 
find some.

Separate and sort kitchen trash. Collect food waste in a mesh bag. The 
food will dry up, becoming light and nearly odorless. Easy! Plan on 
burning paper and wood in a community burn platform.

Plan your camp to minimize clean-up efforts.  Don't wait until the end 
of the week to pick stuff up . Clean as you go. This will help you from 
getting overwhelmed by the mess and help keep trash from blowing out of 
reach.  Plan to seal the small amount of trash you have left in big 
plastic bags, or in five-gallon buckets with lids, to take home, or, if 
you must, drop off some trash in local landfills.


LNT Principle 2 -Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

Winter rains help erase our tracks on the playa, but dust from driving 
affects people right away.   Keep auto speeds under 5 mph in Black Rock 
City, and drive only on obvious, marked roads. Avoid the Hot Springs 
during the event. These delicate ecosystems cannot handle the volume of 
visitors that use during the event would create.

Camp Structures and Shelters.  Plan your structure to be able to 
withstand the extreme conditions on the playa and be reusable. Stake 
your tents and structures so they will stay secure in the heavy wind, 
rain, and dust storms that are sudden and usual on the playa.

Recycle Your Structure: Plan your camp around reusing your structure 
each year. If you reuse and repurpose the basic framework for your 
camp's structure, you can still reconfigure it to give your camp a new 
look and feel each year and save money!

Do not dig holes in the playa. Small postholes (6 inches or less in 
diameter) used for structural support are the sole exception and must be 
properly tamped and tilled when you are finished with them. Larger holes 
easily erode within a year's time even when carefully backfilled. They 
leave a visible mark and create a serious safety hazard.

Keep your vehicle from dripping oil or other fluids on to the playa. 
BLM did a study on this a few years ago and asked burners to use pans or 
other barriers under their cars, especially older cars, to prevent drips.

Always use a potty for your body waste - not the playa.


LNT Principle 3 -Dispose of Waste Properly

If it doesn't come out of your body it doesn't go into the Potty.  Only 
single-ply toilet paper and human waste can go in the potties. Anything 
else can cause a clog when the toilet vendor empties the tank through a 
two-inch hose, otherwise we have unserviced potties, and that means 

How will you dispose of your grey water from your kitchen and shower? 
Our permit from BLM does NOT allow us to dump grey water directly on the 
- Camps can collect grey water and take it to one of the RV dump 
stations along Interstate 80 after the event.
- If you want to construct an evaporation pond, check out the web site:

Or if you're in a very small camp, with minimal dish and body-washing 
water, you might choose to treat  your grey water: pour it through a 
filter (like a paint sieve), disinfect it with bleach then, since it is 
treated, sprinkle it on your street to keep down dust.


LNT Principle 4 - Minimize Campfire Impacts -  How do we burn 
responsibly and clean?

Burn Responsibly: Don't Burn on the Unprotected Playa. Burning directly 
on the alkaline playa BAKES the surface into a dark, hard brick-like 
material. Use community burn barrels or a burn platform.

Don't Overload the Burn Platforms! Be sure the wood you place in the 
burn platform is well contained. When the platforms are overloaded, 
burning wood can hit the playa and cause a burn scar. Have tools on hand 
to break down and cut up larger pieces.

Burn Clean: Be careful to burn only clean (no paint) wood or paper! You 
can burn on one of the community burn platforms along the Esplanade, 
just don't burn anything that is toxic! Carpets, cushioned furniture, 
PVC and other plastics release dioxins, formaldehyde, and other nasty 
stuff. The community burn barrels and burn platforms are low to the 
ground, and produce smoke that is easily inhaled. The low temperature, 
incomplete combustion emits toxic gases and particulates. Please check out
for more information on the hazards associated with toxic fumes.

Reduce and Reuse: Fires are for celebration and spiritual connection, 
not places to dump garbage. Low temperature burning produces toxic 
emissions, so minimize what you burn. Recycle or reuse materials where 
you can.  Bring reusable wood to Camp Katrina for donation instead of 
burning it!

Participate - Each of us can play a part in protecting the health of our 
community and the incredible beauty of the playa. Join the toxic 
avengers!  If you want to volunteer to help educate our citizens about 
responsible ways to burn, email, and please 
come by the Earth Guardians Pavilion at during the event and sign up for 
our daily crusades or weekend citizen patrols.  We'll be having a 
meeting on Friday at 11:30 to train new volunteers.


Leave No Trace Principle 5 - Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Promote LNT neighborhoods. Be proud of your neighborhood: work together 
with your neighbors to keep your part of the city clean. Every year some 
camps get overwhelmed and need help. The LNT principle, "Be considerate 
of Other Visitors," in our city, includes helping neighbors to leave no 
trace.  Carry a MOOP bag and water as you walk around your part of the city.

"You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you 
give of yourself that you truly give." - Kahlil Gibran

Gifting in a LNT Community: We all enjoy the generosity and gifts of our 
theme camps, artists, and fellow citizens. Instead of just bringing 
cheap trinkets for gifts that become MOOP, consider the gift of oneself. 
  Look around and pitch in to help keep things clean: offer a tool, an 
extra hand, a gesture of thanks. Try giving a smile, a helping hand or a 
joke. Help a neighbor set up camp. You are the best gift.

-Devote Two Hours to General Cleanup in Black Rock City. This means the 
streets, public spaces, and open playa where stuff may have been left 
behind. Consider staying an extra day to help clean-up and avoid the 
Sunday and Monday traffic!

- Prepare for the Hungry Wind - Secure your load, especially your trash. 
Don't let your trash fly off your vehicle, and do not dump it on the 
side of the road or at a rest stop on the way home!  Use an approved 
dumping facility or take or home with you.  Plan ahead before you even 
pack for the playa so you leave with a minimal amount of trash. When 
starting home, take a rest stop early; at the entrance gate, at a wide 
pullout, or maybe at the Empire store. Check your load. It is most 
likely to fail early in the trip.

- Come back to the Black Rock Desert after the event and participate in 
restoration activities.  The Earth Guardians participate in restoration 
activities year-round.  For more information, check out our calendar at:


Leave No Trace Principle 6  - Leave What You Find

On first reaching the playa, we encounter one of the profoundly barren 
and empty corners of the world.  That is exactly what we want to leave.

-Clean As You Go and Grid Your Camp at the End! Don't wait until the end 
of the week to pick stuff up, NEVER LET IT HIT THE GROUND and CLEAN AS 
YOU GO. This will help you from getting overwhelmed by the mess and help 
keep trash from blowing out of reach. Before leaving do a line sweep 
across your camp. Give everyone a ziploc bag, line them up along one 
edge of camp, look down and slowly walk to the other side. Cover your 
entire area looking for those last bits of trash- every twist tie, 
cigarette butt, food scrap, carpet fiber, match, nut shell, scrap of 
plastic, everything.

-You can't hide a stuck stake by burying it. Instead, its hazard is 
magnified. Even when pounded below the surface, a stake will slowly, 
inevitably, emerge from the playa. Vise-grips will almost always remove 
a stuck stake. First, clamp on the vise-grips and rotate the stake back 
and forth, to break the playa's grip. Then continue rotating and also 
pull upwards. Still stuck? Ask a neighbor for help. Next year, remember 
that smooth stakes pull out much easier than ridged rebar.

-Consider joining the DPW post-event clean-up crews. Help us get it out 
of here, so that we can all return again.


Leave No Trace Principle 7  - Respect Wildlife

At first glance, this principle may not seem as applicable to Burning 
Man. However, as users of the Black Rock Desert, we share the Black Rock 
Desert NCA with many native species.  As home to Burning Man, the Black 
Rock High Rock NCA has a profound impact on the Burning Man community. 
In return, Earth Guardians have partnered with BLM and other user groups 
to restore sensitive areas around the Black Rock Desert and have also 
taken on our own restoration projects.

Promote more sustainable practices at Burning Man with Respect, Rethink, 
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Restore, resulting in more awareness of 
conservation, ecological footprints, carbon equivalent offsets, and 
alternative energy sources, protecting our global habitat.  Interested 
in helping, come to the Earth Guardians pavilion on Wednesday at 6:00 to 
learn more.

Also, don't forget, The Desert is no place for dogs or other pets. 
Burning Man is a no dog event. For questions, contact dogs at





Greening the Burn is a grass roots movement that started a number of 
years ago when in 1995 two BRC citizens and Burning Man participants 
asked the question, "Why is there no recycling in Black Rock City?" Two 
years later a camp was started, dedicated to collecting & recycling 
aluminum cans, and a movement was born. After 1997's event, the Earth 
Guardians were formed and the Burning Man Project adopted the Leave No 
Trace outdoor ethics. Six years later the first Biodiesel generator was 
running one of the Burning Man infrastructure camps, the Greeters 
Station. Also in 2004, biodegradable and compostable alternatives for 
paper and plastic products were introduced at the Cafe and Staff 
Commissary and participants were allowed by the Nevada Department of 
Health to bring their own cups to the Cafe.

In February 2006, a meeting was held at Burning Man Headquarters in San 
Francisco and it was clear that there was significant interest in 
continuing to explore ways to "Green the burn". The Burning Man Project 
listened and offered staff support, including a discussion list for 
collaboration. Thus, came online.

Over the past five months, the members of this grassroots movement have 
been collaborating and connecting and communicating their wishes and 
dreams for a cleaner and greener Black Rock City and Burning Man 
Project. We are ready to bring it to all of you this year in BRC and put 
all of us to the test to see if we can make BRC not just the best place 
to visit once a year, but a living breathing model for progressive and 
conscious awareness.

We all know that when Burning Man started the focus wasn't being an 
eco-activist-utopian city. We also know that in the world that we live 
in, the communities that we call home the rest of the year, the places 
that we hope the spirit of Burning Man will infiltrate and take 
hold...these places can learn from our good example, and so can we learn 
by continuing these efforts. Black Rock City is a place where lives are 
changed forever, where connections are made that last a lifetime, where 
we get to be and see the best in each of us. We think it is high time 
that we step it up a notch and be the future we hope to see.

And now, on with the show.......




This has been an on going project for a number of years, Plans are in 
the works to bring together the many environmental topics on and off our 
website, update and add content regularly, and connect it all through a 
brand new Environmental Section on the Burning Man web site. This 
project has been given the green light and the web and green teams are 
now running with it.



* Recycles as many aluminum cans as possible in a week
* Discourages glass & plastic bottles on the playa
* Practices & Promotes 'Leave No Trace' Principles
* Teaches the seething masses our 6 Tenets of proper Waste Management & 
Recycling Responsibility:
1. Prepare! Leave sorry-ass packaging at home!
2. Pack it in, pack it out! Leave No Trace!
3. Never let it hit the ground!
4. Separate! Sort your trash before you discard it!
5. Create! Supposed "garbage" can be transformed into noble works of art!
6. Respect, Rethink Reduce Re-use Recycle Restore!!!

  Come by our camp everyday of the event from 10am to 5pm to bring us 
your aluminum cans and help crush 'em and bag 'em and we'll deliver them 
to the Gerlach School to be recycled. The School gets the money and we 
all get to know we did the right thing with our cans. Last year, about 
$800 went to the Gerlach High School Student Council. See you out there!



**Educational workshops**

We'll be posting all our events in the WhatWhereWhen and also posting 
events on a large white board in front of our camp. We will also be 
listing events on LNTV and doing PSAs on BMIR.

**Volunteers for the burn platforms & dumpsters outside of the event**

EG's have been doing this (with assistance from Rangers, fire and DPW) 
for the last couple of years. Volunteer - Each of us can play a part in 
protecting the health of our community and the incredible beauty of the 
playa. We can educate other participants and our neighbors about safe 
ways to burn at Burning Man. And if we see someone trying to burn 
something that's toxic or way too big, we should try to stop them. Join 
the toxic avengers!  If you want to volunteer to help educate our 
citizens about responsible ways to burn, email, and please come by the Earth Guardians 
Pavilion at during the event and sign up for our daily crusades or 
weekend citizen patrols.  We'll be having a meeting on Friday at 11:30 
to train new volunteers.

**LNT Tour of the City**

Leave No Trace is really a way to camp smarter, not harder, on the 
playa. So check out the LNT Tour model camps. And if you already got 
LNT, nominate your camp for the coveted Camp of the Day award. 2006 will 
mark the 5th year for the Earth Guardians LNT Tour of Black Rock City. 
All tour camps fill out applications with their LNT plans and we talk 
with them, collect their camp plans and work with them so that we have 
educational material on their efforts to share, before adding them to 
the 'Tour'.  During the event, a group of Earth Guardians visit every 
camp that has been nominated into the Camp of the Day Contest to 
evaluate their LNT efforts and pick the top 5 camps of the week as winners.



Dear Participants,

The Black Rock Arts Foundation is now in full tilt as we get ready for
our biggest outreach project of the year - the 2006 Burning Man event.
We're working on an interactive, participant-driven, art installation
on the playa, and we need your help!

This year, the traditional BRAF Booth in Center Camp will be replaced
by a collaborative installation known as ScrapEden BRC - a recycled
art garden populated by sculptural elements created from re-claimed,
re-purposed and re-cycled materials, and all citizens of BRC are
invited to participate. Each of the artworks created should mimic an
element of a real garden: flora, fauna, gnome, bench, bridge, etc.
We'll provide a centrally located 'garden shed' built from re-claimed
materials, as a focal point around which participants can install their
recycled artworks!

The idea formed this year when the Foundation began looking at what it
could do, using community-based art as the medium, to promote a culture
of re-use and re-cycling. It is for this reason that the sculptures in
this particular garden are made from scrap and salvaged materials - no
live plants, please! And while this installation will take place at
Burning Man 2006, we hope it will serve as a pilot project for sprouting
future gardens, and building awareness, in communities nationwide.

Each contributor will receive a ScrapEden BRC T-Shirt designed by Black
Rock Arts Foundation Advisory Board member, Diction Davies, a.k.a.
Dicky of 2005 Burning Man Dicky Box Fame!

You can volunteer to help out in the following four arenas:

First, we are looking for individuals, groups, camps, Regionals, etc.
who would like to create and install an artwork in the ScrapEden
Recycled Art Garden. If you, or an affiliated group, are interested in
contributing please write to for more

Second, we are looking for volunteers who would like to sit in the
shade, drink lemonade, talk to interested participants about the
mission of the Black Rock Arts Foundation in the default world, and
assist with the placement and/or installation of artworks brought to
ScrapEden BRC by contributing artist-participants. If you are
interested in helping staff the shed in two-hour increments, please
contact us at

Third, we are looking for a few good hands to help us build the shed. 
While we have a project lead we could still use a few volunteers to help 
with the set up and teardown of the installation. If you like to wield a 
hammer, lift heavy things, survey, place, clean, haul and work as part 
of a tight knit efficient team, please contact us at for details.

Finally, we're going to need some entertainment. If you've got Old
Time Music in your soul and you're in a jug band, a whiz of the mouth
harp, pick banjo, are a maestro on the mandolin or a master of slide 
guitar, and would like to perform with us on playa, please get in touch 
with our team via:

See you on the playa!

Kristin Hale
Grants & Special Projects
Black Rock Arts Foundation
Inspiring Art, Community & Civic Participation


AEZ - Alternative Energy Zone

If you have an interest in alternative energy (of any kind), AND do not 
have a gas or diesel generator; then welcome, you are invited to join 
our village. We do not demand. We lead by example toward a delightful, 
joke-filled, fun way to enjoy Burning Man. You will see solar panels, 
wind generators, solar ovens, solar showers, water cleaning, MANY MANY 
blinky lights, and have folks around who can show YOU how to do it too 
(if you ask). Mainly, we're a friendly village of folks showing a 
different way to get things done...a way that treads a little more 
lightly on the playa. See you there.


EVOLUTIONARY CENTER: Organized by members of Greening the Burn

The Evolutionary Center is a theme camp focused around Sustainability 
and Permaculture.  The main intention of the center is to educate and 
inspire Black Rock City citizens to live more sustainable both on the 
playa and off.  The camp is comprised of many friends and villagers from 
around North America.


The primary focus of the camp will be education.  These 
workshops/demonstrations will include many innovative and interesting 
ideas for all of the citizens of Black Rock City.  We will list the 
workshops in the What, Where, When, as well as have signage at the front 
of camp letting people know the schedule.  The workshops will mostly be 
hands on and allow participants to actual make and create the ideas we 
are speaking of.  Topics of workshops will likely include:

* Permaculture Design
* Building a Rocket Stove
* Cob building 101
* Alternative Natural Building Techniques
* Intersection Repairs
* Solar Lighting/Energy
* Biodiesel/Straight & Waste Vegetable Oil
* Wind Power and Turbines
* Community Kitchens
* Community Building
* How to reduce and deal with waste on the Playa

One of the main demonstrations and focal pieces of the camp will be the 
She Horse.  A large art car that will serve many purposes; as a mobile 
Permaculture demonstration unit, a waste vegetable oil and recycle 
collection vehicle, and public transportation system along the Green 
Trail.  The She Horse will be the main camp vehicle and will allow the 
demonstrations/workshops to be mobile and take place at different 
locations around the city.

The Green Trail
A major function of the evolutionary center is to connect all of the 
sustainable focused camps and ideas in Black Rock City.  To this end we 
will print the Greening Man logo on signs and stickers to be placed on 
like-minded camps and vehicles.   These camps and signs will create a 
trail throughout Black Rock City connecting all of the citizens.  The 
intention is to connect all of us so that we are aware of one another 
and can learn and share resources.  We will also try to coordinate 
workshops and demonstrations along the trail so that a person may go 
from camp to camp viewing and participating in the sustainable projects. 
  The She Horse and other green art cars will travel along this route 
thereby providing a public transportation system for the Green Trail, 
collecting citizens to come to the workshops and demonstrations.

Biodiesel Processing
Another main feature of the camp will be the biodiesel processing 
facility.  This facility will take the waste vegetable oil collected by 
the She-Horse and process it into biodiesel to be used by the camp and 
the She-Horse as fuel.  Any surplus fuel will be given away to citizens 
of BRC to use in their diesel cars or machines.

Green Resource Center
The Resource Center will collect and distribute information about the 
sustainable focused projects and camp both on and off the playa.  The 
intention is to not only educate and connect people to resources and 
information on the playa that may help educate them, but to also supply 
useful information about resources in their cities/regions that they 
might access when they return home. We're here to provide a one stop 
shop for all of your green needs on and off the playa.

These are just a few of the many exciting aspects of the Evolutionary 
Center.  As always this plan will evolve over time.  The only question 
is whether you will be participating in the evolution or being left behind.



Projects dedicated to examining and reducing the carbon/emissions 
footprint of BRC

Solar Power added to Black Rock City Infrastructure

We are working with the owner of a Los Angeles based solar power 
installation company to bring a portable solar power station, which he 
built, to the playa this year. It will be installed on the south side of 
the Center Camp Cafe and will provide between 3 and 4 kilowatts of the 
suns energy to power the Spoken Word Stage during the day and some of 
the lower wattage lighting at night and the sound system behind the 
coffee bar 24 hours a day. This is intended to showcase renewable power 
generation and to emphasize the need for conservation, today and in the 

Biodiesel returns to Black Rock City Infrastructure

Through the efforts of the Black Rock City, LLC Board, the DPW and the 
Greening the Burn Project, there will be 100% Biodiesel made from local 
northern Nevada waste vegetable oil running in 3 of the BRC 
infrastructure generators. Building off the first test in 2004, new 
relationships have emerged and the many details logistics are being 
finalized. Look for these generators and their signature "French Fry" 
smell when you arrive and pass through the Greeters Station, when you 
walk by the BM staff commissary and when you venture out to the Man this 

We would like to introduce and thank the following group of dedicated 
BRC citizens for making many of the new connections, like the two 
companies listed below, that have made the Biodiesel project possible 
for 2006.

Burn Clean Project - Sustainable Fuels for Black Rock City

Would you like to work to manifest the vision of a large community 
operating without fossil fuels into reality?

Email to become part of the Burn Clean 
Volunteer Collective.

Visit to learn more.

Kohler Power Rentals:
Contact: Don Gray - Cell 920.912.3427
E mail:
Kohler Rentals
4509 S. Taylor Dr.
Sheboygan, WI 53081

Kohler is committed to allowing organizations to run generators on 
Biodiesel. At this time, only generators between 50Kw and 180Kw are 

Bently Biofuels Company
1350 Buckeye Rd.
Minden, NV 89423
Carlo Luri: General Manager And Very Nice Guy

Map to Bently Biofuels

OKAY lovely greenfuelers...

Bently Biofuels of Minden, NV will provide two possible solutions to 
fueling up en route and in Black Rock City.

First and least costly: Anyone can stop by their ranch in Minden, NV. 
Their facility is right off 395 by Lake Tahoe (3 hours from Gerlach.) 
People driving from San Francisco and points South should have no 
trouble stopping in on the way there or the way back. Please email Carlo 
Luri, the GM at Bently to let him know the approximate date and time 
you'll be stopping in, so he can coordinate with you. Bently biodiesel 
made from locally collected WVO and then processed up to ASTM 
specifications, is available for $3.50/gallon pumped directly to your 
tank or your personal gas tote.

Second and a bit pricier: Bently has agreed to drop off pre-filled 5 
gallon gas totes to the playa. You must call them and prepay over the 
phone. Please do this as early as possible. They will then have them 
delivered no later than Sunday the 27th and most likely, much earlier. 
With this option, you are purchasing the gas tote itself ($10), and then 
paying for the fuel ($3.50/gal), which comes out to $27.50 per 5 gallon 
tote. This is $5.50/gal. The totes will be available ONLY TO PEOPLE WHO 
the Evolutionary Center Camp. Please email us at to let us know when you will be picking up 
your fuel on the playa so we can be there to give it to you....

Burn Clean Project

P.S. Also check out:
Biodiesel Fueling Locator:
Ethanol Fueling Locator:




Hi all, quick intro: Tom Price aka Thumper

I'm helping coordinate two Burners Without Borders projects this
year, one off, one on playa.

1- Green Burn. Working with the folks at, we're
calculating the climate impact of Burning the Man in tons of carbon,
and then we will be working with regional groups and others around the
country to offset all that carbon, making the burning of the man
climate neutral, even positive. We'll be doing that by planting
trees, and buying carbon credits to invest in things like renewable
energy (about $5.50 per ton, btw).  Anyone can participate, it will
be the first ACTION taking place simultaneously nationwide by
burners ever, I believe. There will also be an online calculator so
theme camps and individuals can figure out their own carbon footprint.
The goal? Both symbolic, and substantial. Show the community that
accepting responsibility can be done, and that even spread over vast
distances, they're still connected.

2- Lumber recycling. Tired of watching all that good wood go up in
smoke after the event? So are we. We're setting up a nail pulling
and lumber grading station at Camp Katrina ( approx 3pm and
Esplanade ), where we'll clean and sort all the lumber left over from
theme camps (obviously, they need to bring it over and help out, but
we'll do the rest). After the event, it will be delivered to Habitat
for Humanity, to help build 14 planned homes for needy families in
Reno.  Simple, symbolic, substantial. Word.

2.5- Materials recycling. Not a green project per se, but FYI we may
also be collecting usable tents/sleeping bags/camp stoves etc. @
Exodus for use in future deployments to disaster regions. TBD for
certain, but wanted to let you know

And THANK YOU to Blue and everyone else who joined us for Cinco De
Playa beach clean up on Ocean Beach in San Francisco, to help preserve 
our right to burn on the ocean--you rock!

Remember, you are BWB as much as anyone. Stay involved!



Cooling Man did not come out of the Greening the Burn Project but they 
deserve a mention here. Before working with Burners without Borders, 
Cooling Man has been working to make many events and projects carbon 
neutral and even carbon positive for over a year now. They even worked 
with the Black Rock Arts Foundation to make the installation of Michael 
Christians Flock in front of City Hall in San Francisco, last November, 
carbon neutral. Visit them at to learn more. 
Thank you Cooling Man!



SpaceShare is interested in being part of the Transportation solution,
especially around getting people to & from BRC.  SpaceShare has offered
to contribute a carpool & car-rental-share (from the airport) system if a
consensus grows that everyone wants us to. We're working on it.

People travel to festivals and conferences to connect. Yet their travels 
are often uncoordinated, lonely and expensive.  If you are planning a 
large event, how do  you extend your welcome beyond the conference doors 
or festival gate?

SpaceShare's built a really effective ride/room-share
system that just a few events (about 50 a year) are using.
Collectively, this email community probably knows of hundreds more,
anything from big one-night concerts to week long camping festivals &
conferences. It'd be wonderful to connect to more big events, or even
better to tell the people planning the events you go to that all they 
have to do is contact SpaceShare & I'll help green their event. 
SpaceShare is not "focused" on one community, we're working with solar & 
alternative health & media conferences, with radical festivals & polite 
non-political events, so no one here at SpaceShare knows about all the 
things going on in this community.

We've been talking about building a ride share board for BM 2006 so that 
ideas can spread into the larger world. SpaceShare is in a great place 
even if we didn't start at BM, now ready to go to stage II and get into 
the larger consciousness.  Since we've got a foot in the door at so many 
communities, we'll be able to help the other Greeningman experiments 
spread out, too.


Stephen Cataldo, founder of SpaceShare




The Clean-Fuel Caravan - is the first ever coalition of educators and 
entertainers that utilize renewable fuels in our ongoing outreach tours 
to share ideas and resources about sustainable living. We tour using 
clean fuels in response to the cycle of global and environmental crisis 
perpetuated by the petroleum fuel economy. Visit their website to learn 
more or to join the caravan.



Step outside the box truck
Welcome to b-man ethics 101
By Hippie aka "If I catch you throwing MOOP on the ground I will stand 
there until you are finished eating it"

Bike racks at Center Camp: Now look here, there are great folks that put 
their energy toward making these wonderful inventions for you!  This 
means use them... Do you know how many citizens placed their bikes 
either where it was blocked off with caution tape or locked their bikes 
to the cafe structure not to mention the great art piece that is at the 
front portal of the cafe??  Please take the time to find a slot in the 
bike racks.

Now let's talk may seem like "a little mistake won't hurt the 
playa" but when you scale "little mistakes" out by the number of people 
in our city, well, it hurts, and spills can be avoided. Bring a piece of 
cardboard to place under your vehicle (big enough that your tires stop 
it from blowing away). Lamp oil, gasoline & motor oil from generators 
can also be kept off the playa with some cardboard or other absorbent 
material placed underneath to catch spills. It will evaporate in the 
heat of the day.

We as a community need to step up our awareness uplift our senses and 
show this rock called earth that we care... We lead the way....



The following are works and ideas in progress that we would like to see 
move further in 2007.

Wind Power Turbines

Further connections have been made and conversations had regarding 
bringing wind turbine technology to the playa to power parts of the 
Black Rock City infrastructure. These particular wind turbines are not 
only very efficient but they are works of art in their own right. We 
hope to move forward in 2007 and create basically an art installation 
that incorporates the turbines and provides the power for a specific 
project. We will look to power something civic in nature but also 
visible and hopefully interactive.

Thrival Guide

"Thrival Guide" - How to Thrive at BM and in our communities using 
Permaculture and sustainability models/methods - or, just plain common 

Suggestions on

-greening "gifting" and costume ideas
-using less gas/car pooling/alternative energy
-alternative energy sources for camps
-green suppliers along travel routes
-alternatives to Glow sticks
-REDUCING materially and EXPANDING in creativity, spirit and hearts

We have been practicing Survival for millions of years
It's time to move onward/inward to Thrival!!

THRIVAL* - How are you practicing?
Simply surviving the suffering
that is one aspect of being HUMan

or HUMming with THRIVAL
because of it.

How do you practice THRIVAL?

Your ideas and comments
will appreciate joyous consciousness
through the creation of the
for the Burning Man Website and beyond

Put on your
inSPIRAtion caps
alter the mindscape
and let the evolution

*Thrival - any activity or thought pattern that serves
and promotes the greater good, mind/body/spirit,
All That Is.


An idea related to waste awareness....

A clear re-sourced plexiglass tank with holes just big enough to deposit 
your used glow sticks and necklaces. Collectively we will illuminate the 
problem of just how much waste is generated by our use of these 
disposable light toys. There will be markers attached to the tank for 
participants to write there ideas for alternatives to the glow sticks 
directly on the tank. Look for the tank somewhere on the Esplanade.

To get involved, join the discussion 
list and ask for Nieth

Thank you all,


We hope you've found this issue valuable. Tell your friends, spread the 
word, and we'll see you in a few days!

{Soundtrack to the JRS: the sounds of a quiet playa...}

==================ADMIN ON AND OFF THE JRS====================

Email us or any time with questions. Email by 11:59 PM PST on Sunday for post
requests. (We don't post all requests, however.) Please type "POST
REQUEST" in your subject line to make it past the SPAM.

For questions:
Old rabbits:
On and off this ride - DIY:
   If you are trying to unsub and it doesn't work, please send us an
email and give us as much information as possible. Are you sending from
a different address?
You'll get an email to which you must respond to complete the request.
bman-announce mailing list
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.